Monday, June 25, 2012

him VS HIM

He said he wants to give her the world
But she unknowingly gave her heart to the dude who said he wasn't ready for a girl
The other guy tell her things that she's always wanted to hear
But it would mean so much more if those words we whispered by the one she wants, in her ear
She's ready to leave, but him being too late to catch on is her greatest fear
She plays her role but she makes silent moves
In a race that he's already winning, he has no idea what he's about to lose
Tired of the confusion, she walks away
Only to be pulled back into the confusion yet another day

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The One That Got Away

Yo guys told you to stay away from a girl like me
I'm like you kryptonite,when I'm around you get weak
But I build you up at the same time, its not for them to understand, its too deep
When we're together its like we're the only 1s up and the rest of the world is sleep
But you ignore your heart and listen to your friends
You dial my number and quickly press end
You pour your heart out in a text but never press send
And you hope that I won't forget you and will think about you every now and then
With the help of those same homies, you'll get over me one day
But you change my name in your phone to "The One That Got Away"...